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The Great Men of Compassion
Learning to drive is empowering and an important rite of passage for many youth. A valid NYS Driver's license positions them for various employment opportunities. Compassion's NYC Youth Driver’s Education program will provide youth with access to a licensed driving school in the Bronx and Brooklyn/Queens free of charge to the youth.
Youth will receive up to twelve (12) 45 minute driving lessons, the required in-class 5 hour pre-licensing course, and use of a vehicle on the day of the road test. If a young person does not pass the first road test, the driving school will provide additional instruction prior to their second attempt.
For more information email us with "NYC DRIVE ME", in the subject.
The FREE 8-week program funded by the New York City Department of Health (NYCDOH) was originally created for young fathers and young men at risk to be young fathers. However, the program evolved to being a father led program for young men ages 13-24. YMF meets once a week for two hours. The first hour is a physical fitness session, followed by a break for lunch and the final hour a theme-based workshop. Metro cards are provided to each participant at the end of every workshop.
All weekly 1hr therapeutic sessions are facilitated by Compassion for B.R.A.G. youth participants, from September through June. B.R.A.G. youth participants are encouraged and empowered to speak freely on theme-based topics. Some theme-based topics discussed include Addressing Mental Health, Domestic Violence, COVID 19 in our (Black & Brown) communities, What to Do When Stopped By the Police?, just to name a few. Guest Speakers have been authors, entrepreneurs, chefs, comedians, doctors and lawyers of color.
Compassion is the event coordinator for BWPWI, from October 2021-June 2022 for the inaugural virtual summit. As the event coordinator, we are responsible for planning all logistics of the event, marketing and social media presence. Visit BWPWI Website
East Bronx Academy for the Future (EBA) Title One Parent Community Ambassadors Compassion is the New York City Minority Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE) and Department of Education (DOE) vendor, from March 2022-June 2022. As the vendor, we are responsible for coordinating and implementing wellness, events and activities for parents, youth and the EBA community at large. Some of the events and activities include virtual Mindfulness, Mother and Daughter Yoga and a one woman play: Confessions of a Massage Parlor Madam, which also addresses human trafficking.
Compassion virtually consults for Minnesota’s Blue Oaks Church’s Entrepreneur program for youth and young adult church members interested in starting their own business. Youth and young members are referred by the church for consultation.
Compassion consulted for City University of New York (CUNY) School of Medicine and Memorial Sloan Kettering to recruit originally Bronx Parents/Guardians and Youth ages 13-18 (later opened to NYC Parents/Guardians and Youth), from September 2021-September 2022. Families participated in focus groups regarding their experiences in the pandemic.
Compassion consulted for the NYC Civic Engagement program March 2021-July 2021, “It’s Our Money!”, with the Bronx non-profit organization Girls Mentor Girls.
Compassion participates as a community organization with City University of New York (CUNY) School of Medicine with the international research of the French Collaborative Institute on Migrations.
Compassion consulted for CUNY School of Medicine, Yale School of Medicine and SBH Health System on a research study designed to current opinion on teenagers taking Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), from June 2018 through December 2018. With PrEP people take a pill every day to prevent getting Human Deficiency Virus (HIV).
The overall goal of the Parent and Child Communication workshop is to help both parents and children feel comfortable communicating about life and specifically sexuality. The following topics are addressed: Communication, Parenting Styles, Health, Sex, Sexuality, STIs/STDs and HIV/AIDS. Games and activities revolving around social media are used to bring awareness, as well as ignite discussion. Statistics and resources about the US and specifically the Bronx are addressed in the session.
How can one identify and define a “healthy” relationship if they have never been exposed to one? We often focus on intimate relationships, but what about our parent – child, family, friends, community, job/work relationships? As human beings, it is important for us to have relationships with different types of people, but how do we define an individual healthy relationship? This session will address the importance of communication, the different ways we communicate, how communication influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors in relationships, how culture and family influence our definitions of relationships.
The session focuses on the bigger picture of tobacco and hookah usage especially “Big Tobacco” companies in neighborhoods of color and how the addiction leads to other health challenges. A video documentary, “The TRUTH About Tobacco In the Bronx”, by Bronx Native will be viewed and discussed. In addition, a visual picture will be provided on the 15+ ingredients, in one cigarette.
The session reviews why the music industry should be looked at from a business perspective oppose to only a safe space for creativity. This session will provide more depth on business vernacular in the music industry and some fun activities on how quick an entertainer/artist can go financially, mentally, physically and spiritually broke. Performing Rights Societies, royalties, 360 contracts will be some of the topics discussed.
Since 2009, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation County Health Ranking Report has ranked the Bronx as number 62 out of New York State’s 62 counties in terms of health outcomes. #NOT62 is a campaign initiated by the Bronx Borough President’s Office, to focus on a healthy Bronx. The session will lead some of the social and economic conditions of the Bronx that impact the quality of life for Bronx residents.
In a society that over-sexualizes everything possible, how can faith-based organizations encourage their young people to practice celibacy? One way to do that is to actually talk about sex! COMPASSION exists to educate and empower youth and young adults around topics of sexual health and reproduction.
COMPASSION helps youth and young adults navigate issues of sex and sexualty by teaching students about their bodies, as well as discussing the benefits and responsibilities of a healthy sexual experience and identity.
Some of the workshops we offer are:
Why Wait?
An InterFaith workshop designed to look at different faiths and their belief around celibacy and reproductive health.
Anti-Violence in Partnership
A workshop designed to help students identify the signs of violence and abuse in relationships, as well as identifying the signs of healthy relationships.
Kings and Sons
A workshop designed for fathers/father like figures and sons to have real and raw conversations about the importance of sex education and the journey to honoring their bodies.
Queens and Daughters
A workshop designed for mothers/mother like figures and daughters to discuss the importance of sex education and the journey to honoring their bodies.
Royalty Lecture Series
Hear from COMPASSION partners and alumni as they discuss the crucial impact of sex education in faith-based organizations.
Royalty Training Series
A two day intensive training designed to equip community and faith leaders with reproductive health resources. Leaders will leave with tools assisting them to design the perfect reproductive health program for their context.
This session provides clarity to why New York State (NYS) minors have access to reproductive healthcare throughout NYS without a parent/guardian’s consent. It also defines who is a minor in NYS, addresses NYS rights for emancipated youth, pregnant teens and teen parents. The workshop will provide case studies and information specifically from the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU).
Sexual Reproductive Justice also referred to as SRJ. This session discusses all people having the power and resources to make healthy decisions about their bodies, sexuality and reproductions.
*Workshops can be translated and presented in Spanish.